Stanley Rangers ARLFC
Stanley Sports and Social Club
Lee Moor Road
West Yorkshire
Tel: 01924 870508
Directions to the Club:
From M62: turn off at Junction 30,
and follow A642 dual carriageway towards Wakefield. Take the 1st turning
right, (approx. 100 yards signposted Lofthouse) Travel about ½ mile and
then turn left into Lee Moor Road (just before you go under the motorway)
Follow this road for about ½ mile passing Stanley Arms on right, the road
turns to the left and up a hill. The entrance to the ground is on the
left. (Look for a wall mounted post box, this is at the end of the drive.)
From Wakefield: follow A642 north
from Wakefield towards M62. At 'Thatched House' public house turn left
to Lee Moor. Take the next right, Lee Moor Road, for one mile. Before
you reach the 'Stanley Arms' P.H. turn right at small signpost to 'Stanley
Sports & Social Club' down single track road between houses (Look
for a wall mounted post box, this is at the end of the drive). Car park
at clubhouse.
(N.B. If you ask for directions you may
be sent to Stanley Rodillians Rugby Union club. Our Club is within 100
yards of this ground, on the opposite side of the road, so don't be too
put out.)
Match Days: please note
that on match days, stewards will be at the entrance to the ground to
give directions about parking. You are requested not to park on the side
of Lee Moor Road but to follow the directions the stewards will give you.
Your co-operation in this is greatly appreciated by Stanley Sports and
Social Club.
Maps: Use this
Link to see our location. (If you need to see this map
on a larger scale with the street names showing, click on the '+' sign
on the Streetmap page just below the map).
Please note that the current location of the club on Google Maps is shown on the opposite side of Lee Moor Road to the actual location.
Google map: Click here
Directions from clubhouse: turn left out of clubhouse onto Lee Moor Road. Follow the road down to the bottom of the hill and turn left at the Cross Keys Youth Centre. Down the hill and turn right onto the A642. Proceed past Thatched House pub, St. Peters Church on right, Grove Primary School on left. Take the left turn onto Ferry Lane, marked Stanley Ferry, Altofts, Normanton. The pitches are on the left opposite the Ship pub.
Map: Use this Link to the website to see the location of the Ferry Lane pitch. (If you need to see this map on a larger scale with the street names showing, click on the '+' sign on the Streetmap page just below the map).
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