A tough game against Cutsyke but the two points went to Rangers.
"Last try is the try of the game and contender for try of the season.
Moffitt punches his nose through and finds Josh with just the try line in
front of him and 40 yards of running. Head down and to the corner and the
big man pulls off his best Tom Johnstone impression to get the ball down
in the corner!"
Try: Liam Grimmett (2), Cameron Halliwell, Josh Cassar (2), Callum
Goals: Danny Grice (5)
Man of the Match: Liam Grimmett
Open Age Team:
1. Cam Halliwell
2. Joel Walsh
3. John Nunns
4. Owen Hopkinson
5. Callum Matthews
6. Pat Harrison
7. Danny Grice
8. Liam Grimmett
9. Charlie Ledger
10. Bren Shepherd
11. Jordan O'Neil
12. Luke Moffitt
13. Josh Cassall
14. Danny Asquith
15. Lee Gomersall
16. Jimmy Turner
17. Flynn Harrison